How long do lip fillers last? - Best Scottsdale Lip Filler Info

How long do lip fillers last?

In Scottsdale Lip Fillers have become very popular in recent years! And for good reason… With little invasiveness and a quick procedure, you can transform dull lifeless lips into more full luscious and desirable-looking lips! Lip fillers last a while, but they are not permanent. There are a few factors that affect how long lip fillers last, and we’ll discuss those in this article.

Lip fillers can last for up to a year on average, but usually around six months. The main factor that affects the longevity of lip fillers is the speed of the individual’s metabolism. It is for this reason that a younger person may not be able to enjoy the benefits of lip fillers as long as someone who is middle-aged or older. When you are younger, you typically burn calories faster, so your lip fillers simply do not last as long. On the other hand, for those whose metabolisms are slower, your lip fillers may last longer.

The type of fillers you choose also determines how long the lip fillers will last. Generally, lip fillers are used to replace the lost lip tissue that disintegrates with age. Basically, our lips are shrinking over time so we are replacing volume, not inflating.

Most lip fillers on the market today are hyaluronic acid gels and are very safely used. They restore lips with natural-looking results and are one of the most popular cosmetic treatments. 

Disclaimer: Your results will vary depending on the Scottsdale aesthetic nurse injector, however, and your goals. It is important to choose a Scottsdale med spa with lots of experience, like BabyFace! Our proprietary technique creates beautiful natural looking results with minimal side effects.

Lip shapes created by injections of lip filler in Scottsdale

During your initial consultation for lip fillers at our Scottsdale Medspa, we will thoroughly discuss the specific look you’re seeking.  We also obtain any past medical history like a history of cold sores and recent dental work.  Safety is our #1 priority and we want to make sure your experience is risk-free and produces the results you want.


What are lip fillers?

In addition to collagen loss, our body starts to lose bone, muscle and fat as we age - creating laxity in the skin, sagginess in the jawline and thinning lips. Our face shows signs of aging through thin lips and vertical lip lines. Smoking and sun damage can also have serious negative effects on our skin. Lip fillers help restore this lost volume making the lips fuller looking.  The procedure itself is minimally invasive, has a quick recovery, and shows fast results. This is why so many people prefer lip fillers as their top preferred cosmetic treatment.

Why get lip fillers?

If you’re not in love with the shape of your lips, chances are that you have thought about getting lip fillers to enhance them. We offer some of the best lip fillers in Scottsdale, a life-changing cosmetic treatment where FDA-approved fillers are injected into your lips to add volume and change their shape. Whether you’re looking for a little or a lot, we will help you choose which lip filler is best for your goals and how much to use. Our clients absolutely love the stunning results that our experienced nurse injectors are known for at BabyFace’s Scottsdale Med Spa.

How popular are lip fillers?

Lip fillers are so common that in 2018, healthcare providers performed more than 2.1 million lip filler procedures. This indicates how popular lip fillers are. One reason why they are so popular is because they are temporary. For those who were once curious about getting a more permanent lip augmentation procedure, lip fillers are a fantastic way to “try” on that new look. They cost less than permanent fillers like silicone, and will also save you a lot of money.  If for some reason you don’t love them (which is rare), we have an enzyme that can easily dissolve the product.

Hyaluronic Acid Lip Fillers, also known as HA’s are basically a sugar molecule that is found in our bodies. They are produced in a cross-linked gel and packaged by a pre-filled syringe. When injected into lip tissue they replenish volume and smooth out lip lines.  Lip fillers are manufactured by different brands.  
As you can probably guess from learning about the different types of lip fillers above, Hyaluronic Acid Lip Fillers are the most popular, quickest recovery, most controllable, and offer the most predictable results – and the type of lip fillers that BabyFace offers!

lip filler comparison

Is there any risk in getting lip fillers?

The risk involved in getting lip injections is very rare. This is because there is a very low chance of getting allergic reactions to hyaluronic acid because it is a natural substance in our bodies. However, there is a chance of getting a lump which usually resolves on its own. This can be avoided by getting lip fillers done by an expert healthcare provider or experienced nurse injector in Scottsdale like those at BabyFace’s North Scottsdale Medspa!

Sometimes, lumps may also develop if the fillers are injected in the wrong place. These lumps can be dissolved with hyaluronidase, a type of enzyme that breaks down hyaluronic acid.

Another rare side effect of lip injection is blocked blood vessels or an occlusion. This can reduce the flow of blood in the lips and damage the tissue. Because of our years of experience, we know what to watch for and how to treat this should it happen.

What happens during the lip filler procedure?

It is important to select an experienced injector to perform your lip fillers. They will assess your health conditions as well as your lifestyle to know if you are a good candidate. They will also want to know if you have any allergies, or if you follow any prescribed or over-the-counter medications. After obtaining your medical history and discussing your lip goals, they will examine your face and lips to help assist you in creating the perfect look you’re after.

The lip filler procedure takes an average of 30 to 40 minutes. Your nurse injector will at first apply a topical anesthetic to your lip area. Within minutes, your lips will become numb. Numbing your lips makes the whole procedure easy and comfortable for you. After that, they will slowly start to inject the filler into your lips.

When the whole process is done, the nurse injector will determine if you are satisfied with your new look and apply ice to minimize swelling. We also review post-treatment care and instructions.

The lips can become swollen, bruised, and a bit sensitive, but that often goes away within 1 to 5 days. A follow-up appointment is recommended to check the condition of your lips. It will take about a week for your lips to fully recover.

In Conclusion…

Lip fillers are temporary fillers that can make your lips look full for some time. They are safe and can really help you to feel much more confident and beautiful about your appearance. You can always go for another lip filler when your current lip filler starts to dissipate. And you could even go back for more if you’re really liking the look, but want a bit more. Be sure to choose an experienced nurse injector to provide the lip filler service. The team at BabyFace has collectively performed over 20,000 lip filler procedures and is very well known for providing stunning results and a beautiful natural look that has our patients coming back time and time again. Just check out our testimonials!